The theme as Mobile Suit Gundam UC0079 The original Anime Series is what you voted for out of over 660+ votes.
You have the entire holiday season to work on your entry. Read the below and get cracking!
Myself and iShop2Go will judge the best UC0079 Diorama entry we get. We want your entries portraying dynamic movement, model painting skill for the kit and also very important is showing off the work put into the background / landscape/ surroundings. One or more Bandai kit must be used. No computer graphics enhanced imagery. As part of your entry, you must show your work in progress how you made it. The quality of your presentation will also count. All entries must be posted as a video response via this link and must be in before Feb 28th 2010 so you have the whole holiday season to work on your diorama skills and finish your projects. We will pick the winner and announce it shortly after the deadline.
*As before, I can't promise that these competitions will continue. It all depends on the kind of response we get... You should treat this as the last time we ever do a competition.
Come back often for the latest on what's what.
1. Entries in, on and before 28/2/2010. Winner announced shortly afterwards and will be shipped upon confirmation from the winner.
2. North America, Europe, Asia, Australia ONLY! The prize unfortunately can not be shipped outside of these regions! mail if you want to ask where they are willing to ship.
3. The prize is to be chosen by the winner from the following selection of excellent Mobile Suit Gundam UC0079 Master Grade kits
4. The winner, is requested to be able to prove they made the diorama.
5. Use sound or music or voice or silence if you want, its up to you.
6. ALL entries must be submitted as a YouTube "Video Response" to the contest announcement video here via this link (It will be posted soon-ish)
7. After the winner receives the prize, they are requested to have a video shot receiving the prize and post it onto corresponding youtube account
This prize is 100% supplied by those fantastic lovely peoples over at who are entirely responsible for this prize.
Entries are to show off a Mobile Suit Gundam UC0079 Original Anime series related diorama you created and must showcase or more kits from said series or it's side stories. (no less than 1 kit)
Dioramas must be 100% physical models (ie not using any 2d/3d computer graphics)
Post a photo or photo slideshow or moving video as a "video response" via this link here select "choose a video" and pick the video from your YouTube account.
If you have jpg format pictures... you MUST convert it to avi , wmv, mov etc... a video format is needed to be able to upload it to your YouTube account in order to submit the entry as a YouTube "Video Response".
Convert your jpgs to video via Window Movie Maker that comes FREE on your XP / Vista PC or use iMovie that comes FREE on an OSX Mac.
"a scene" can either be one lifted from the show or a FANTASY scene you made up yourself so long as it is using kits from the Gundam UC0079 the Original 1st Anime Series. The kit used NEEDS to have appeared in that 1st Gundam Anime series.
Only original Bandai plastic model kits allowed. Resin kits will be accepted.
Ishop2go reserves the right to use the winning entry in part or in whole for purposes such as for advertising.
The winning entry will be the one chosen as best by iShop2go and 2old4toys. Our decision is FINAL!!!